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We don't want to be locked into
representation by agenda-driven political parties.
We believe that citizens should be able to guide their Representatives on how they want them to cast their district's house vote on every issue. To let the will of the people become the action of their Representative.
We believe Representatives should serve only three terms in the House and two terms in the Senate.
The only path to a transparent Democracy is by using technology to create a Direct Representative Democracy. Let the people rule the people!
Even after the election, everyone will still have an equal voice in our system.
In the 1700's when the Constitution was drafted, they never envisioned citizens having the ability to collectively communicate so easily with their Representatives.
Instead of letting our Representatives run wild for two years, let's use technology to collectively, as free thinking people, guide them on how WE WANT them to cast OUR district's house vote.
If the people are going to live under a new law, they must have a say in the passing of that new law. YOUR ability to influence your Representative's actions should not end after Election Day. The Tech Party Says, Elect Yourself!!!
When 7 out of 10 free minds agree, it protects society from the other 3. Pick any issue, there will always be one person demanding we all go extreme left, one person demanding we all go extreme right, and then one control freak using the situation to gain more social power, forced social profit, all by keeping both sides in a fight. 7 out of 10 and youfll always win or youfll be singing Here We Go Again And Again.
It's no secret that the traditional political parties have developed rigid viewpoints. After an election, the elites get to decide who has access and control over their party's Representatives. This is why Congress frustrates us. They are failing the greater majority, the 7 out of 10 Americans who now feel that they have no representation in Congress - even those who voted for the "winners".
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YOUR opinion, YOUR voice, YOUR influence, should not end after Election Day!
Together, with faith in our ability to focus on where Americans agree, strong ground will be created to move workable solutions forward.
It's time to combine something old with something new. Let's mix the original formula from 1776, with technology! Let the people rule the people!
Direct Democracy used in 435 individual districts creates
a perfectly transparent Direct Representative Democracy!
Don Endriss
U.S. Congressional Candidate 2016 & 2018
I ran for U.S. Congress twice and I bet you never heard
of me, or any of the others who want to make this change!
The Tech Party, buried by the media, canceled
by both sides. Ten years later, look at society now!!!
Still think Direct Representative Democracy is crazy?
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